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You are being called upon to perform one at the highest duties that can be imposed on any citizen, and that is to sit in judgment on facts which will decide civil disputes and determine the guilt or innocence of those charged with crimes.


Jury duty is an obligation of citizenship. It represents your contribution to a continuation of our democratic way of life.

Your duty as a juror requires that you be prompt in your attendance, attentive to your duties, faithful to your oaths, sound and deliberate in your evaluation in reaching a verdict which truth dictates and justice demands.


Selection Process: A listing from the Tennessee Department of Safety is obtained of licensed drivers from which jurors are selected at a random drawing by Campbell County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office.


​Potential jurors will be notified electronically by text message, voice message, and email after 4:30 PM the day before a trial to appear for Jury service. You will not be required to appear if you do not receive a notification. 


Excusable Absences: Obviously conflicts will arise from time to time as to pre-scheduled activities scheduled prior to jury duty. All attempts will be made to accommodate these pre-arranged activities or appointments such as vacations and certain work-related activities. Medic appointments will be granted excuses. The only request is that you call the Clerk and advise them of this conflict when it becomes apparent.


Jurors Compensation: Jurors are paid $11.00 each day that they report. You won’t be paid for jury duty until the end of the term. Lunch is provided by the county but is optional. An excuse form is available for juror’s employers from the Clerk’s office. If you have a problem with an employer concerning your wages, contact the Clerk. Under Tennessee law, employers with five or more employees must excuse you from work and pay you the difference between your salary and what the county pays for jury service. If an employee has been employed on a temporary basis for (6) months, this provision does not apply. Tennessee law further provides that no employer shall discharge or in any manner discriminate against an employee for serving on jury duty. (Tennessee Code Annotated 22-4-108)


Planning Ahead: come prepared to spend a full day in court Make sure you have appropriate arrangements for family obligations such u picking up children from school, babysitting, etc. If seated on a jury panel, you will not be able to leave until the judge releases you at the conclusion of the case or recesses until the following day.

If you have any questions that have not been covered concerning jury duty, you may call the Clerk’s office at (423) 562-2624 during office hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday.

© 2025 by Campbell County Circuit Court Clerk, Tennessee

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